Sven Giegold
Mitglied der Grünen/EFA-Fraktion im Europaparlament

Sprecher Europagruppe Grüne

Initiative Report Transparency: your suggestions for clean politics in Europe

70 percent of EU citizens believe the institutions of the Union to be corrupt. The European Commission’s first anti-corruption report puts the losses caused by bribery across Europe at EUR 120 billion per year. The European Parliament appointed Sven Giegold as rapporteur for an initiative report for transparency, integrity and accountability in the EU institutions. We want to use this formal demand to the EU Commission for an EU law using hard rules to allow citizens new trust in our European Democracy.

What rules would you like to see? How can we force lobbyists to enter in a mandatory lobby register only accurate information? How could lobby influence on EU laws become fully transparent to citizens? How do we render any conflicts of interest of MEPs, Commissioners, state representatives in Council and all their staff, including those in EU agencies, impossible? How do we finally separate economic from political power and thereby achieve clean politics in Europe? Our timetable for this initiative report is to be found here.

Please tell us your ideas right here:


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