Sven Giegold
Mitglied der Grünen/EFA-Fraktion im Europaparlament

Sprecher Europagruppe Grüne

EU-Commission shuts out citizens from TTIP decision

Today the EU-Commission announced their decision to reject the European citizens’ initative “Stop TTIP” on legal grounds. The citizens’ inititiative is supported by an alliance of 250 non-governmental organisations and political parties all accross Europe.

Sven Giegold, speaker of the group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen in the European Parliament comments on the decision by the EU-Commission:

“In rejecting the European citizens’ initiative the EU-Commission shuts out citizens from the decision on TTIP. This decision by the old EU-Commission tramples all over European democracy. The Commission is living up to all the stereotypes about European policy making being backroom deals hidden from the influence of citizens.

“I demand that Commission president-elect Juncker correct this decision. During his European election campaign he promised citizens more say in Europe. Now he has to deliver and to stop this poisoned present from his predecessors which would destroy hope for change under his presidency. Juncker has to make sure that European citizens have a say infar reaching decisions on workers rights, consumer and environmental protection that are included in TTIP negotiations.

“We welcome the firm opposition to the rejection as announced by the alliance behind the citizens initiative. The citizens’ initative presented a convincing legal study substantiating the admissability of this initative. The European citizens’ initiative may not be undermined by tricks and dodges. On the contrary, it deserves further development into a true European citizens’ referendum.”

Statement by the alliance on the rejection:

Rejection by the EU Commission: